
13 mayo 2011

Tres cosas sobre el Islam

Subtítulos de Creareify
Enlazado de su canal Youtube Creareify

4 comentarios:

  1. El video parece como si lo hubiera hecho la carcundia nacional-catolicista, la extrema derecha sionista, la verdad.

  2. Quizá, pero por lo que yo sé no falta a la verdad.

    De todas maneras da un poco igual, las tres grandes religiones son la misma historia. La cristiana y judía no han tenido más remedio que suavizarse por las presiones de la gente, el avance de la civilización y el progreso cultural. Esperemos que pronto suceda lo mismo con el Islam.

    Gracias por tu comentario Anónimo

  3. Ampliación:

    El autor original del vídeo pone lo siguiente en su canal:

    TheWhiteR0ses :

    The White R0ses are located in Europe.
    We have no religious affiliation and are not members of any political party.

    About the name:
    The White Rose (German: die Weiße Rose) was a non-violent/intellectual resistance group in Nazi Germany, consisting of students from the University of Munich and their philosophy professor. The group became known for an anonymous leaflet campaign, lasting from June 1942 until February 1943, that called for active opposition to dictator Adolf Hitler's regime. (wikipedia)

    It has been stated in a video response that we are jews and secretly from Israel because our video has been linked from an israeli page.
    We are neither jews nor are we from Israel. Our video has been posted on many different websites all over the internet. We allow everyone to re-upoad/link and embed our video and we do not have any control over where the video might be posted.

    About half of you insist we must be jews, others claim that we are Nazis or Christian fundamentalists. Who is it here having prejudices? We are not automatically "the enemy" just because what we say doesn't fit your worldview. Please stop trying to categorize us and just listen to what we have to say.


    POR EL SPAM DE Joaquín 53 años, marcado como tal.


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